Vancouver/Vancouver Island Film/TV Industry

BC Film Industry is BOOMING

The BC film industry is booming and not in small part due to its cluster of video effects and animation studios, like industry leader Image Engine.  Recognized in the industry for its CGI creations—the organization was behind Game of Thrones dragon Drogon’s iconic attack on the loot train …

Set Life

Script Supervisor In The News

I’ve heard it said time and again how great it is that Script Supervisors “have our back” on set. But this story demonstrates that in spades! Script Supervisor Emma Danoff’s time-stamped set photos save the day for “City of Lies” star Johnny Depp! Read to full …

Set Life

Why you need a Script Supervisor!

Why do you need a script supervisor for your production? From script breakdowns and pre-production meetings to the last day of shooting, a script supervisor is the extra eyes and ears of the director and the safety net for continuity. We know the script inside out …

Filmmaking Set Life

Digital Scripty

Since I began training for this role, I have experimented with several different digital tools and spoken with a good number of script supervisors who are currently using the various apps and hardware. I have also created my own templates using various spreadsheets and word processing programs. …