The BC film industry is booming and not in small part due to its cluster of video effects and animation studios, like industry leader Image Engine. Recognized in the industry for its CGI creations—the organization was behind Game of Thrones dragon Drogon’s iconic attack on the loot train …
Shading Film And TV With Green Content Drives Sustainability
Shading TV, film drama with green content can drive sustainability: producers, activists. Ian Loslo at Keep It Green Recycling, in Port Coquitlam, B.C., Sept. 20, 2018. DARRYL DYCK/THE GLOBE AND MAIL Kyle West is one of Hollywood’s biggest stars. He’s destined for a complicated relationship …
Greening The BC Film Industry
The BC film and tv industry is greening things up, and we don’t just mean using green screens! With the filmmaking industry growing the way it is in BC, production companies are meeting the challenge of working in more environmentally sustainable ways. The issues surrounding …
Teamwork Makes The Dream Work
It has been said that “teamwork makes the dream work” and in filmmaking I have experienced this to be more so than in other industries, in part because a production team is there to literally make someone’s creative dream come to life. Recently, I worked on …
Film Shoot Exciting for BC Small Town
Big excitement for a small town in BC, as Ladysmith plays host to film shoot for Paramount Pictures’ Sonic The Hedgehog! While many locals have been hired to help crew the shoot, others stand by in hopes of seeing their favourite A-list stars, Jim Carrey …
Script Supervisor In The News
I’ve heard it said time and again how great it is that Script Supervisors “have our back” on set. But this story demonstrates that in spades! Script Supervisor Emma Danoff’s time-stamped set photos save the day for “City of Lies” star Johnny Depp! Read to full …
Vancouver Island Film Studio
Vancouver Island has its own film studio! Great tax incentives, trained crew, and now our own studio, Vancouver Island is fast becoming a valuable contributor to the film industry in BC. Learn more about Vancouver Island Film Studio.
Why you need a Script Supervisor!
Why do you need a script supervisor for your production? From script breakdowns and pre-production meetings to the last day of shooting, a script supervisor is the extra eyes and ears of the director and the safety net for continuity. We know the script inside out …
Digital Scripty
Since I began training for this role, I have experimented with several different digital tools and spoken with a good number of script supervisors who are currently using the various apps and hardware. I have also created my own templates using various spreadsheets and word processing programs. …
Special Effects Makeup Fun
I spent a day modelling SFX makeup for a student at the Blanche Macdonald program in Vancouver. It took about an hour and a half to achieve these basic sfx applications and gave me a better understanding of what actors and the makeup team go through for …